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🐑 When is a RAM not a RAM? 🤷. The 5 do's and don'ts of Social Care Marketing

Curious sheep

In a difficult market any Social Care provider needs to use Social Media effectively.

Here are 5 Do’s and Don’ts

❌ Don’t engage in Random Acts of Marketing (RAM)

✅ Do post rhythmically and consistently across all platforms

❌ Don’t be boring and predictable

✅ Do be Useful and Informative

❌ Don’t talk all about you. People aren’t interested

✅ Do address ‘them’ and the problems they may have

❌ Don’t use boring images

✅ Do use images that catch the eye

❌ Don’t try to sell in your post

✅ Do aim to become a trusted advisor. Make friends and help people.

Regular, interesting, informative, and personable posts are effective tools in your marketing arsenal.

[Martyn Dawes is a social care business coach who helps providers attract clients consistently and rhythmically]

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