👇When it comes to getting social care clients, here are 10 things my clients have used successfully👇
1️⃣ Fix your leaky bucket. Stop losing the leads you may already be getting. Test your enquiry process. Call out of hours and at weekends. Make it easy for an enquirer to speak to someone knowledgeable
(I offer a free mystery shop per home on request. Just DM me)
2️⃣ Market your uniqueness. What makes you stand out in your market place? Are you family owned? Won any awards? Or simply do something very well. There is always an angle
3️⃣ Check your website, especially on mobile devices. Most are bland and boring, use stock images and copy all the others.
4️⃣ Be useful and helpful both in the community and online. Produce useful content that will drive potential customers to your website.
5️⃣ Use video. In marketing, and on your website
6️⃣ Have you claimed you Google profile? Use it effectively
7️⃣ Know your numbers. A curve ball, but knowing what fees you can and cannot accept can help. Many providers accept fees that are less than cost, which is crazy
8️⃣ Really use that Social media. Regular interesting posts ( remember to get permission if using resident photos)
9️⃣ Get those reviews. They are important to build trust
🔟 Measure what works. Don’t waste money on ineffective marketing