🕛 You have 4 seconds to make a first impression. After that it's probably too late if you are selling social care.
This is why I go on about the enquiry process so much. My experiences have shown me that there are definite improvements to be made in this area
👔 Be the opposite of what you think a Salesperson looks and acts like. Listen, care about, understand and help your projects
🤝 Build friendships. People like to do business with their friends
🙋 Ask compelling questions. Show you are are interested in them and their problem
👂 Listen
👀 Look out for the buying signals. people will often show you when they are ready
📚 Use testimonials and stories to bring life and interest to the enquiry
🚫 Never 'diss' the competition
Martyn Dawes is a Social Care Business Coach. You can download his free guide at www.helpmyfees.co.uk